Product Description "Oh, hi there! I’m your new Squirrel Face T-Shirt from The Mountain. Not sure how I got here, but, well… here I am! And, um, I hate to be “that squirrel,” but… there’s something in-between your teeth. Yeah, just a little to the left… hm, that’s it! Got it! Great job. So, here’s how it’s gonna go down. I’m gonna be a permanent fixture on this shirt from now on ‘cuz I’ve been asked to be part of The Mountain animal shirts collection. And I won’t be a bother! I can do lots of things to help out actually! I can crack nuts, be your wingman with the ladies, heck, I can even whip up a few nifty meals in my spare time. So, whaddaya say, we got a deal? Huh? " Pre-Shrunk, Medium Weight, 100% Cotton Relaxed, Classic Fit Hand-Dyed and Printed Using Soft, Non-Toxic Water-Based Inks Reinforced Double-Stitching On All Seams * Garments contain white stitching on the seams T-Shirts ( 4X & 5X only ) Long Sleeves ( all sizes ).
5 Squirrel fact Posted by James P. on 16th Mar 2023 Looks good and gets lots of attention from other people.
2 Miss-sized T-shirts Posted by Larry C. on 15th Sep 2022 This T-shirt was shown as size XXXL but was no larger than XL. This is the 2nd time in a row I have received miss-sized merchandise. It's too bad because I have been purchasing T-shirts from the Mountain for 10 years.
5 squirrel face classic review Posted by Rena B. on 3rd Jun 2022 This is a FUN shirt to wear. It gets a lot of funny comments from people on the street- at restaurants- etc.
5 lots of squirrels Posted by Barbara s. on 18th Apr 2017 a young man that i work with- has had a pet squirrel for 4 years. i had this shirt and then i got one for him for his birthday and then got one for his girl friend and we all wore them to work one day- it was a 3 squirrel day and everyone was laughing all day.
5 squirrel shirt Posted by everett g. on 25th Oct 2016 I am always getting distracted. We call it getting squirreled I love my new shirt and I am rather rotund thereby making it more 3D. I would suggest that you hand wash it the first 2 or 3 times because it will bleed.
5 She loved it! Posted by DANIEL B. on 6th Dec 2015 Got the squirrel face T-Shirt for my squirrel fan and she went- well- nuts. And usually she doesn't even like T-Shirts.